Eclipse de luna llena en Capricornio

Full moon eclipse in Capricorn

And we reached the third penumbral eclipse of the year! It has occurred today 07.05.2020 at 3.07 am Spain time and is the fourth of the total of six eclipses that will occur this year.
This penumbral eclipse occurs just at the same time as the full moon also in Capricorn. The moon shows us the emotions and the unconscious, the part within us that feels vulnerable, that has a hard time talking and accepting the need for a transformation to get out of our comfort zone. The eclipse gives us a jolt, making us see that we are the only ones responsible for our lives and that we can no longer resist change. A change that life asks of us both personally and collectively.
Eclipses announce endings and new beginnings, today's announces that our internal structures have already completed a cycle and maintaining them does not help us to evolve and live from our essence.
With this moon and eclipse in Capricorn, life forces us to become responsible adults for ourselves, our own fathers/mothers giving us love, support and protection. And please, let's not live this as a punishment! What is happening is a blessing of life that, in a very forceful way, since the beginning of March tells us that the objective to work for is WITHIN us,  so much so that it even forced us to stay at home for several months. 
The result of being FREE will be invaluable! Free from what they will say, from social, family, and own patterns, and why? Because we are beginning to be AWARE that the secret is to take charge of our lives and not project onto others and thus no one can interfere in our decisions, in our lives.
Remember, life asks us to take out the sabix  warrior that is in us, BE BRAVE and face! 

-Koke Ortega-

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