Sol en Capricornio

sun in capricorn

How is the capricorn woman
This year the Capri have come with all the lights! 12.21.20 is an astrologically relevant day. In addition to entering the sun in this sign and the solstice, we also have the conjunction in Aquarius of the planets Saturn and Jupiter that every 20 years form the brilliant Star of Bethlehem.
But then, what does all this mean? Astrological events ask us and give us enough energy to start anew. The solstice, on this occasion asks us restart ourselves and the conjunction in Aquarius asks us to make this restart different, to do things in different ways.
And if we talk about strong personalities that can face changes, a Capricorn would undoubtedly be a great example. They are determined, direct people who do not leave their goal for nothing. However, they are not impulsive, on the contrary, before making any decision they have previously studied and analyzed it. In general, they are great professionals and they love to live under responsibilities.
They are also very kind and attentive! And they have the characteristics of being people who do more than say. They may not be the people who sit down to listen to you, but when it comes time to be there to do things , they will be at the top of the list. Their pragmatism is enviable!
This 2021 Capricorn and all the zodiac signs will have the great challenge of reinventing ourselves and this means doing , so if you have a Capricorn nearby, don't hesitate to turn to him to give you a masterclass on how to do it.
We could say that his motto is "Do not leave until tomorrow what you can do today", and this is also one of the lessons that 2020 leaves us that helps us face 2021 by doing, but doing with greater awareness .
Have you ever wondered what you would like to change? What would you do differently from now on? If you haven't, now is the time!
Tips : Meditation 100%, listen to yourself, settle and do to move forward.

-Koke Ortega-

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